Safety Guide von den VG Cats Und ja, ich konnte mich beherrschen die Gitarre NICHT anzufassen, als ich mal die Gelegenheit dazu hatte :hueb:
Das habe ich gerade im Alla "Funny nOOb-sayings" Thread gelesen und mich zerkugelt (die Aktion könnte glatt von mir sein ^^) : I was on an airship to Kazham. I see this lvl twentysomething character on it. The conversation goes like this. <20> I hope we don't get attacked <me> What? <20> you know, by monsters I realize he's under the impression that monsters are on the airship just like the ferry. I see an opportunity. <me> This your first time? <20> yeah <me> All the mobs here are pretty Ok. Cept the dragons. <20> ... dragons? <me> Oh yeah, big ones. A drk standing next to me joins in. <drk> Just like the one from 2-3. <me> Only invisible. They're WIND dragons after all. <20> If they attack can you save me? <drk> Oh no. It'd eat us alive. <20> /panic. Goes and sits next to the npc After a couple of minutes. <me> Oh god, here it comes! I use convert ( I had low mp from spamming buffs before the ship came ) <me> I'M HIT! I'M HIT! <drk> RUN FOR YOU LIVES!! I've never seen someone panic like the 20 did after that.
Wieder was im "Funny nOOb sayings"-Thread gefunden - auf was für Ideen machne Leute kommen *LOL* I was getting the ballad scroll, and killing time while sitting out in the tower in W. Ronfa. (If you don't know, you zone from the city into the tower, from which you cannot do ANYTHING but talk...) Anyway, there are the windows, and so I'm running the gamut to test everything to verify that you can't actually do anything (like call a choco). So... being unable to pull bunnies up into the tower, I get bored, and I notice that the newbies running around outside with "?"s are within /say range. There were a few short lived ones, but the longest was the best... This is basically what transpires /say Hey! <t-newbie>! {Can you speak English?} {Help me out!} Newbie : Yes, I can. Where are you? /say I'm up here, in the tower! {Help me out!} Newbie : How did you get in there? /say I don't know! These elvaan NPCs showed up and told me they didn't like my kind, and they locked me up in here! {Help me out!} Newbie : They locked you up? /say Yeah, I think it's because I'm from Bastok and I tried doing one of their quests T_T Newbie : Is there a guard? /say No, he's on a patrol route, but he'll be back in about 5 minutes. Can you see the door? Newbie : What door? /say There, at the bottom of the tower, there's a door, do you see it? Newbie : I see it. /say Open it! {Help me out!} Newbie : I don't think I should. If you're in jail, how do I know a GM didn't put you there? /say GMs don't send you to San d'Oria, they send you to Mordion Gaol! Can you please open the door? Newbie : I'm trying, but it won't let me. I think it's because I'm on a 360. /say Well damn. You sure you can't open the door? Newbie : Hold on, I asked a friend to come help you. Randomperson>> LMAO! Locked in the tower? Randomperson<< {Help me out!} Randomperson>> OMW... he says you told him an NPC locked you up in there? Randomperson<< Yeah, an NPC elvaan >.> Randomperson>> LOL, that's awesome *I go AFK and get a drink, gone about 3 mins* Randomperson : Oh no! Newbie : Where are you? Randomperson : I got caught trying to let Arketa out and the elvaan threw me in jail too! Newbie : I still can't get the door open Randomperson : Just hang tight, we're working on a plan. Randomperson>> You there? Randomperson<< Sorry, was AFK. Randomperson : Arketa, you're a THF, can't you pick the door? /say They confiscated all my tools T_T Newbie : Tools? /say THF needs tools to pick open doors T_T Newbie : Where do I get tools? Randomperson : <some guy for him to get tools from> We only need 1 Newbie : I'll be back! Randomperson>> LMFAO *long wait ensues* Newbie : I'm back! How do I give you the tools? Randomperson : <explains trade> Newbie : It says "Target out of range." *by this time am getting sleeeepy* /say Did you try the door again? Newbie : Yeah, it's still not working. /say Hold on, I'll look for another door. *backs away from windows, until Newbie is lost as a target, counts to 10, returns* /say There's another door, it looks like it might lead into town, but it's closed from this side. Newbie : I'll go look! *another 5 mins or so pass* *Newbie zones into W. Ronfa inside the tower* Newbie : Oh no! Now I'm trapped too! Randomperson : Did you bring the tools? /say Oooh yeah, trade me now! *we trade, I pay him 10k for one skeleton key* Randomperson cheers Newbie on! Randomperson cheers Arketa on! /say I'm going to go try the door, wait here. *zones out into N Sandy* Newbie<< I got it open! We're free! *Newbie zones out, Randomperson zones out* /say OMG Newbie, you're my hero! Newbie : Yay! They won't pick you up again will they? /say I don't think so. Man, that's the last time I steal from Raimbroy's Grocery! Newbie : !@#$!# YOU STOLE FROM THE GROCERY STORE AND HAD ME BUST YOU OUT? YOU @#$!@#$!@#$
lol...das is nich schlecht! >.< aber die armen kleinen...die könenn doch auch nix für, dass sie neu sind! eig is das zeimlich unfair und fiiiiiiiiiiiiies!!! *mitfühl* :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
Jaja, die armen Kleinen. Mich hat zwar noch keiner Verarscht aber leider wollen auch die wenigsten mit mir in eine Gruppe. :sniff: Liegts etwa an meinem RDM ? Bis denn :rofl:
Dann liegts wohl an mir. T_T Nene nur ein kleiner Witz. So intensiv hab ich auch noch nicht gesucht. :muh:
Dö yü späck sömä Gärmän??? ^^ :baby: :hueb: :rofl: :lolz: :muh: :lol: :schlag: :baku: :good: :tilt: :huh: :schimpf: KLÜCK MÜCH ... Den Sruch "ARSCHKARTE" kennt ja jeder! ... Was sagt ihr dazu? BUT WAY
ich finds so geil das die amis denken das wort würde es wirklich so geben >_>" btw: ich sehe keinen zusammenhang zwischen dem Sprichwort "die arschkarte gezogen haben" und dem bild. "jemanden in den arsch kriechen" würde da eher zutreffen die Arschkarte kommt im übrigen aus dem bereich fussball. Damals gabs ja noch keine Farb TV und damit die leute zu hause auch wussten welche Karte gezogen wurde gabs eine in der brust und eine in der arschtasche (die arschklarte eben)
"...because you, my friend, are completely....PUSSY-WHIPPED!" "Wohooo!!" *whoopsch* Immernoch zu geil.
Ihr kennt ja wahrscheinlich alle dieses Ping-Pong-Spiel "Matrix" aus einer japanischen Gameshow. Hier was Ähnliches: Auch gut gemacht. ^^ EDIT: Noch eine - im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen - witzige Show aus Japan. Kandidaten müssen durch Wände mit Türen laufen. Einige Türen sind aus Papier, andere allerdings aus solidem Holz. Nach den ersten beiden Wänden ist dann eine Art Wächter dem die Leute durch die nächste Tür entkommen müssen, aber dafür gibt es auch Türen mit Netzen dahinter. 8)
Rüschtüüüsch! ^^ Muss mich mal im Netz umsehen obs davon mehr Videos gibt. Oder kennst du vllt Seiten die davon Videos anbieten Chibi?